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"Cesta ke světlu končí..." 



01. Thoughts On Living   


In bad times when growing weak with age
a sickness torments the body.
Everyone has damned his God to hell
the most important thing is to live.
Knowledge, even when cruel, can´t be hidden, thoughts hurt.
Thoughts on a short life, love and salvation.

Sad souls are walking through the darkness with their suffering
bad visions from ancient times about our extinction.
I, sentenced to waiting, am wading in the puddles of tears.
How many times did I see the streams of tears,
when people cried for those whom they had loved.
Cruel truth, can´t be changed, we might be mad,
life means dying from it´s beginning.

Cold feelings, when death´s coming - we´ve been forgotten.
Fragile hearts refuse joy - we´ve been sentenced.

Sad souls...

Reprieve, reprieve.




02. One Last Wish   


She will never know her destination
she´s on the run from a fatal crime.
In a darkened room spending her last minutes
in this hospital, where the dreams don´t exist.

A ray of hope, they are leaving you
and every lover is a nightmare.
Many times you loved with passion,
where the joy ends - there´s illness and woe.

One last wish
it´s to kill the pain.
You can´t be lost in prayers.

One last wish
it´s to find the saviour
a needle with the touch of death.

One last wish
it´s the same as always
don´t inspire grief.

Hatred and sadness watch your fate,
you´ve destroyed other lives.
In a whisper you say: „I want euthanasia“.
Hatred and sadness, like so many times.




03. Ceremony Of Innocents  


Where are your graves? You cannot hear a bird´s song.
Innocent lives witnesses of disaster.
Forgotten names what have become of them?
In wild river never can they awake.
Penetrating flames, they´re calling to myself
God sees it from afar, but leaves it till the end.

If I could drive away these clouds by my strong breath,
you wouldn´t have to wait for salvation and empty future

I knew the gorgeous woods and valleys scents of flowers and trees,
now you are living in Lakeland and dying days.




04. Sun of Steel


All faces are faded
so tired from the
mad rhythm of life.
The young roots of sensitive emotions
are in the beginning of drawning to a close.

Sun of steel means life.

All pronounced wishes, 
which one day will come true
then will decay
because they are not eternal
as the sun of steel.

Extinct potentiality
turned out to be real.
The good and the evil, 
they come and go away.

Seconds of indifferent days,
they flee to the eternity.
All the new machines and inventions
come to an end in dump of time.
Loving and hate
remain under the sun of steel.




05. Ancient Echoes   






06. Law for Burnt to Death   


Impious and sinful life,
ravens nation is born.
We hold the cross of thorns
in palms of blood.

Chorales sounds through the valley,
celebration of the earthly life
and lustful bodies of beauties
mean sin.

Beings clad in the darkness
from God’s will chosen.
Coming to the village
with finite resolution.

Accusation and deceit,
holy will orders revenge.
Envoys of fornication
driven away in wagons.

Stoupá jen dým a jak žalostný je pláč
všech lidí kolem a z nebes černá zář.
Pod křížem spí vždy jen proroctví a splín
a tisíce tváří už změnili jste v dým.

Zkoušíte lhát sami sobě v motlitbách
a hříšníkům svým smrt vykoupením dát.
Zapálená je už hranice všech těl,
jak zákon vám káže, vše spálit na popel.




07. Shořel jsi v jejím těle   


Čekáš na svou chvíli, propadls falešnému chtíči.
Je to noc zklamaných duší, není nic, co tě zničí.

Tiše spí životem vonící tělo mladý dcery tvý.
Odsouzená na tvoje hříchy, na dlouhý minuty šílený.
Studená samota prochází tělem tvým, tělem tvým, vždyť sis to přál.
Tvoje city ďábel hlídá, je bezmocná, chceš její tělo, její dech.

Přál sis hořet v jejím těle studeným, 
každý odpor zničit, i když nechce - musíš to mít.
V moři slaných slz se přitom utápí,
dětský hlas, dětský pláč, dětský splín.

Proklíná tě a silnej řev, je tak zničená.
Posílá tě do pekel, kde místo máš.
S nožem teď, seš posel smrti, chceš vidět krev.

Je to noc zklamaných duší, není nic, co tě zničí,

Zatmění v lebce, teď bráníš svůj chtíč,
slabá se třese, mlátíš ji víc.
Nervy ti praskly, už ztrácí svůj dech,
jseš jako zvíře, chceš poslední výdech.
Proč seš tu dál, když ztuhlá už je,
navždy už spí, smutek následuje.

Prázdný dům, kde jsi zůstal sám a jenom tělo dcery tvý
tu spí, zděšení, když vidíš z její hlavy kapat krev, 
teď víš, že je blíž a blíž den, kdy tu svou pouť zakončíš.

Chtěl jsi hořet v jejím těle studeným,
v sobě tolik chlastu, stal ses katem šíleným.
Věčné ticho v žilách samotu rozlévá, 
zrádnej chtíč zase překonal tvoje já.

Chtěl jsi hořet v jejím těle studeným,
když přišlo mlhavý ráno, doufals, že jenom sníš.
Tak jsi shořel v jejím těle studeným
a přišel čas, kdys musel jít za ní.
Odejít, navždy jít za ní.




08. White Lies


The members of NIM (National Identity Movement),
friends, brothers and sisters to Kathrin.
Under the mask of understanding, they sway in their hands
the tools of annihilation
the planned violence is changing the vision of revolution
The reality of these days is spinning roulette wheel
Removing Erin takes its toll

The idea of a struggle for their own conviction
Fails in attempts to declare the ideal
The message engulfed in the joy of emotional motives
Turns into the hunt for the renegade
It’s hard leave under the threat of uncompromising attack

Every time she turns round the corner
She is afraid they will be there.
I don´t wanna be there when they breakt through her door
Every day now is the day of the rope




09. Blind Man 


I was alone in a burning house,
I arrived there just in time.
This was to be my last act…
But my mind froze my steps.
I couldn´t go on.

Please take my hand
And put it on the cold ground.
I swear, that anything I have not seen
I´ll find afterwards.
And maybe one day you‘ll understand that I looked forward to this.

Where is light on my way? I´ll give the stone cold heart to fallen angel
Where are their prophecy? I can´t dispose of feeling of danger.
I promise, I will be praying for coming souls, theirs fates are here
There are too many worlds, which I would like disclose someday.

I was alone in a small town
I stayed there all my life
I used to hear songs of night in the cemetary
And the tones of church psalms,
Songs of my solitude....

Please show me the sun,
I want to see Mother Earth once more.
I keep seeing the final scenes
when chimeras of life are passing through
my ideas about family and coexistence with love...

I wanted to leave quietly
But the opportunity did not come.
Balancing on the edge of madness
With a black candle I extinguished the light of days.
Behind a curtain of sound I felt at home,
In a burning city with the remains of an image in my memory...




10. Memento 


V tmách nenajdeš cestu života svou,
mračna kryjí rozbřesk,
zkus zahnat předtuchu zlou.

Tvář, co jsi znal, ve snech probouzí žal
touha pátrat po pravdě
tě nutí se zradou se rvát.

Klečíš a prosíš, chceš odpověď znát.
Kolik dnů a cest projdeš bídou?
Na konci snad vyřčený je ráj slíbený.

Klečels a prosils, v chladu svíce pohaslá
a než sbohem matce své dals.
Snad věřils, že máš už na dosah dědictví předků svých.

Však najít ten vysněný grál mysl souží,
mezi nebem a zemí jsi jen prach,
jak toulaví psi na cestách.

Záblesk a ostří už protínaj ti zrak
nepřátel zášť tě vzpouzí.
Už není z lesů cesty zpět, smrt je jen nouzí.

Chvíle je dlouhá, když cítíš věčný žár
ve stopách svých konec vidíš.
Jen stín naděje ti zbyl, po zázraku toužíš.

Pohled matný v kalužích ti zbyl, úzkost rdousíš.
Vstaň a běž, snad ještě je čas,
než vodu života rozprodáš.




11. Unspoken


Take me away, Sir, from the mirror of the past
The tears are dripping in the eternal well
And ripples on the surface create
Impenetrable cells surround the seconds of our lives.

All unspoken,
There is no one left I can confess to.
All unspoken.
I can swallow up the letters of those sentences.

All unspoken,
A tongue, as carved from a throat.
All unspoken,
Writing alone on the wall of tears.

The presents has been scattered into the dust
Why do I wake up in the past?
I can see through blind eyes
Into the kingdom of the fallen.

The words I haven´t spoken
Are disappearing in the depths of burried hopes.
In the echoes of unlived tomorrows
I learn to listen to the steps of solitude.

Dancing shadows create a silhouette
Of celestial freedom and connection.
I´m waiting by the wall of tears.
Outsider the borders of time, inside the temple of light.

The unspoken desires
When you couldn´t peer into my soul.
Unspoken admissions follow you
You drift through my world toward my arms
Without prejudice and monotony.




12. The Summer Night End 


Tonight it´s the last night of two of us
In a strange land in a hotel room
The two of us together and yet separate.
I´m sitting resignated, head in hands
Am I willing to wait for the minutes to come?

It should have been a fresh start
Summer night should have refreshed
Our fading fumbling
On our common quest

I stand up and walk round the room
I can´t find the right words, explain it to myself
The long forgotten is talked over and over again
Until the apokalypse of relation of human souls gets real close.

I tell myself what a relief
You rather run away
I hear the door bang
I lay my cautious self in bed
There is no way to settle the fast running stream of thoughts
Should I run and follow you? Or leave it all to the fate and time?

Did I fall asleep or was it just a dream?
I hear the bang at the hotel room door
Was I hoping to read the feeling in your eyes and then that I might embrace you?

Shocked I listen to the strange words
Of policemen instead and I know the time has stopped its run for me.
They are taking me to the road past the hotel
Where´s a covered body in front of a car on the road.

I´m hoping to wake up from the nightmare
But nothing of that kind is coming
I beseech to forgive me
I could never imagine anything like that even in a bad dream
Despite of all the pain and trouble of us
I have always wanted to be close to you.




13. Voluntary Slaves


A soft touch of winter sun awakens me
Only memories of my warm home
Pierce through my frozen body.
None of us know where we’ll be laying down
Maybe for our last sleep.

I can hear the sound of poisoned bullets coming from a far.
I’m embracing the cold ground, as I would a strange lover.
Screams of suffering along our line, maybe one of my friends
Won’t see sunlight anymore.

I go back and watch the battlefield.
We hoped for so long
That we’ll all go back home one day.

Mother, I’m not your little son anymore,
I grew painfully fast,
Not long ago I was still in school,
Now I’m dragging my weary body in the mud of flesh.




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